家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA) & 政策

家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA) & 政策

FERPA stands for the "Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.你也可能听到它被称为“巴克利修正案”.“这部法律保护学生教育记录的隐私. FERPA applies to all schools that received funds through an applicable program of the U.S. 教育部.



FERPA stands for the “Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.你也可能听到它被称为“巴克利修正案”.“这部法律保护学生教育记录的隐私. FERPA applies to all schools that received funds through an applicable program of the U.S. 教育部, and thus most colleges and universities are covered by FERPA.

FERPA defines the phrase “education record” broadly as “those 记录, 文件, 文档, and other materials which 1) contain information directly related to a student; and 2) are maintained by an educational institution.”

FERPA要求教育记录必须保密. 在学生同意的情况下,记录可能会被披露, 如果披露符合其中一项法定豁免, 或者如果披露的是目录信息,而学生没有搁置目录信息的发布.


A. 检查、审查学生学习记录的权利; 学生可以在学院收到访问请求后的四十五(45)天内直接查看与学生有关的教育记录. Students interested in reviewing their education 记录 must submit their requests to the 司法常务官办公室, which is authorized to review each request and to approve proper requests. 教务处将安排查阅,并通知学生查阅记录的时间和地点. 虽然学生有权查看他们的记录, 学院不提供记录的副本. 在特殊情况下,学生不能来学院检查和审查他/她的记录, the College will work with the student to make an alternate arrangement consistent with FERPA. Education 记录 maintained by the College but provided to the College by third parties, 包括但不限于高中成绩单, 推荐信和考试成绩, 不会再被学院透露给学生. 供查阅该等纪录, the student must seek inspection through the third party that generated the record.

There are certain 记录 which students are not entitled to review, 包括, (i) financial 记录 of parents; (ii) confidential letters and recommendations relating to admissions, 就业及荣誉, for which a waiver of the right of access has been 学生签名, provided that upon request the student is given the names of those persons writing letters; (iii) a physician’s or psychologist’s 记录 (a student may, 然而, provide the College with written authorization to have his or her own physician or other appropriate professional review the 记录); and (iv) 记录 of personnel of the College which are “sole possession 记录” (e.g. 制作者使用的记忆辅助工具或参考工具/笔记,但不得向他人提供或透露). 除了, where a record contains information that concerns more than one student, a student requesting inspection will be informed about the information only insofar as it pertains to that student.

B. 要求修改教育记录的权利: Students may ask the College to amend a record that the student believes is inaccurate. The student should write the College official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record he or she believes to be inaccurate, 并说明为什么它被认为是不准确的. 如果更改要求被拒绝,学生也有权在其记录中插入关于记录内容的书面解释(见下文)。. Please note that FERPA does not give any student the right to contest a grade given in a course, but does give the student the right to seek to correct an improperly recorded grade. If the College decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, 学院将通知学生有关决定,并告知学生他或她有权就修改请求举行听证会. A representative from the office of Academic Affairs has been designated as the hearing officer. 有关听证会程序的其他信息将在通知学生有权参加听证会时提供给学生.

C. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information: 未经学生同意,不得披露学生教育记录中包含的个人身份信息, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. 一个例外, 哪些允许未经同意的披露, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. 如果学校官员为了履行其职业责任而需要审查教育记录,则学校官员具有合法的教育利益. A school official is a person employed by the College in an administrative, 监督, 学术或研究, or support staff position (包括 校园安全 personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the College has contracted (such as an attorney, 审计师, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, 比如纪律委员会或申诉委员会, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. 除了, 学院可以, 但不是必须的, 如果披露符合以下一个或多个条件,则未经同意从学生的教育记录中披露个人身份信息:

1. The disclosure to officials of other universities in which a student seeks enrollment, 但须向该学生发出有关披露的通知, is provided with a copy of the 记录 disclosed (if so requested by the student), and is given the opportunity to review and challenge the 记录 sought. College policy is to forward only Saint Mary’s College transcripts and only upon a student’s written request.

2. 披露对象为美国总审计长的授权代表或某些联邦政府, 州和地方教育当局.

3. The disclosure is in connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or which the student has received.

4. 根据有关少年司法系统的适用州法律,向州和地方官员或当局披露.

5. 该信息是向进行研究的组织披露的, 前提是研究的进行方式不允许组织代表以外的个人识别家长和学生的个人身份,并且当研究目的不再需要这些信息时,这些信息将被销毁.

6. The disclosure is to accrediting organizations to carry out their accrediting functions.

7. 这个信息是对受抚养学生的父母披露的, 根据1954年《十大正规网赌平台》第152条的定义.

8. 披露是为了遵守司法命令或合法发出的传票,学院已作出合理的努力,提前通知家长或符合条件的学生的命令或传票, so that the parent or eligible student may seek protective action, 除非法院或其他发出传票的机构下令不披露传票的存在或内容,或为回应传票而提供的信息.

9. 该披露与健康或安全紧急情况有关, if knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals. 10. 所披露的信息是教育机构或机构指定的“目录信息”(见下文)。.

D. 根据学生的同意披露. If the information request does not fit into one of the categories described above, you must obtain the student’s consent prior to disclosing the 记录. 同意书必须是书面的, 学生签名, 和日期, 并且必须指定要发布的记录, 披露的目的, and the party or class of parties to whom the disclosure may be made.

同意书的目的是允许学生对其教育记录中个人身份信息的披露有一定的控制权. 学生签同意书的事实, 无论是具体的还是“笼统的”,“不是吗?”, 然而, 约束学院将学生的记录提供给获得学生同意审查其档案的第三方或多方. 学生的记录仍然是学院的财产, 即使已经签署了同意书, the College will exercise its discretion in each case by disclosing to the third party only such information, 记录, 和文件, 如果有任何, 当学院认为适当的原因,第三方正在寻求访问学生的记录(如.g.,背景调查). The signed consent must be provided to the College by the third party at the time the request for access is made. 学院将保留所提供的同意书副本. 学生因非“教育记录”而被拒绝查阅的记录通常不会提供给外界. FERPA imposes limitations on re-disclosure by the recipients of education 记录. A third party generally will not be permitted to make copies of 记录 to which he or she is granted access, even if the consent 学生签名 explicitly gives permission for such copies to be made. 另外, 如果学生已经授权第三方进行与就业相关的背景调查, 学院可能会发布成绩单的非正式副本和/或学生参与以下领域的一般信息, 居民住房, encounters with the campus Department of 校园安全 and encounters with the Student Conduct Office, 根据授权.

E. 向美国政府提出申诉的权利.S. 教育部: 学生可以就教育机构涉嫌未能遵守FERPA的要求提出投诉. 管理FERPA的办公室的名称和地址是: 美国家庭政策合规办公室.S. 教育部,马里兰大道南400号.W.华盛顿特区20202-4605.



Material classified as “directory” information can be released without student consent. 目录信息, 由学院定义, 包括以下内容:学生姓名, 出生日期/地点, 照片, 入学期限, 度, 所获奖项及荣誉, 主要字段, 校园或家庭住址, 电子邮件地址, 学生课程表, 电话号码, height/weight of student athletes and the most recent previous educational institution attended by the student. A student may, 然而, have all of the information withheld upon submission of the 学生请求限制访问目录信息 我们网站上的表格. 


该法案允许指定的联邦官员申请法院命令,以获取与恐怖主义或其他犯罪调查有关的学生记录副本, 没有通知学生. All requests for such information should be referred to the Office of General Counsel.